School Disco Cultural Music

School Disco Cultural Music

Do You Have Cultural Music Requirements For Your School Disco?

Experience the staff and parent helpers having as much fun as the children.

Why not call 0417 014 173 or to discuss your own school disco needs?

Having cultural music integrated at your school disco is not a problem, I'm able to DJ school discos for any cultural background. I'm happy to play any music you need to make your school disco a success! You can even supply me with all the music you want played if that is easier. I aim to make this an easy and stress-free process for all concerned.

All music supplied on CD by schools must be delivered to me at least one week prior to the disco. This is to ensure that all CDs play correctly on my equipment, and allow enough time to make alternative arrangements in the event that it does not.

It is also assumed by Top-Notch Entertainment Pty Ltd that all schools have legally purchased their own music (i.e. they are the legal owners of the CD).